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New F series

SMALL-SIZED REFRIGERATORS Compact and reliable, available in standard version or with J7 PRO control unit, with solid door or glass door and ecological GAS.

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Special pharmacists

On 25/26/27 October you will find us in Naples at the XVI pharmaceutical industry exhibition in pavilion 5 stand 512-19.

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New Piardi Cloud remote control system

Activated as an option in the J7 PRO® version via Login. It allows WiFi connectivity, remote product monitoring, the possibility of saving graphs and temperature data, and sending reports and daily email alerts in PDF format.

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Innovative, cutting-edge products for the refrigeration market. Large digitally readable touch-screen display for constant and continuous temperature display. Possibility of local graph reading.

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PNRR Rural Pharmacies funding

New funding opportunities for the development and modernisation of rural pharmacies.

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Dual-temperature refrigerated cabinet ideal for the storage and refrigeration of medicinal products.

Dual-temperature refrigerator ideal for the storage and refrigeration of medicinal products.

Dual-temperature refrigerator ideal for the storage and refrigeration of medicinal products

Compact dual-temperature refrigerator ideal for the storage and refrigeration of medicinal products.

Single-temperature 240-litre refrigerator ideal for laboratories and industry.

Single-temperature 330-litre refrigerator ideal for laboratories and industry.

Single-temperature 500-litre refrigerator ideal for laboratories and industry.

Dual-temperature refrigerated cabinet ideal for the storage and refrigeration of medicinal products.

Discover the complete catalogue


New F series

SMALL-SIZED REFRIGERATORS Compact and reliable, available in standard version or with J7 PRO control unit,...

Special pharmacists

On 25/26/27 October you will find us in Naples at the XVI pharmaceutical industry exhibition...

PNRR Rural Pharmacies funding

New funding opportunities for the development and modernisation of rural pharmacies.


Innovative, cutting-edge products for the refrigeration market. Large digitally readable touch-screen display for constant and...